We Serve

In addition to service in vision & hearing, and community grants & vocational scholarships, we also serve in the following ways:

  • Hunger - support for the Garden of Hope, funding for the Snohomish Community Food Bank and Elementary School nutritional programs for kids in need

  • Diabetes: Camp Leo scholarships

  • Seniors: Support for our Snohomish Senior Center

  • Volunteer as a Club for annual and one-time community events

  • Learn more about our current service and follow us on Facebook @SnohomishLions or Instagram @SnohoLions


Serving Snohomish Since 1929

We Support Education

Past Presidents Randy Smith and Ron Stever were recognized by Vania for helping start the Story Maker Animation Studio at Riverview Elementary School — 2017.

Lions Merle, Ron, Cindy, Hank and Terry inspired us to support this education-oriented service. See more Story Maker videos from the Riverview kids on their YouTube channel.

We Dream

Building the Public Restrooms at 1st & B — 1990sLion Arne Johnson saw a kid who couldn’t get to a restroom in time and said we can fix this.

Building the Public Restrooms at 1st & B — 1990s

Lion Arne Johnson saw a kid who couldn’t get to a restroom in time and said we can fix this.


We Fundraise

Lions “Glass Breaking”— 1960sWith the help of friends, one bottle and jar at a time, we stoked student’s passions with scholarship grants.

Lions “Glass Breaking”— 1960s

With the help of friends, one bottle and jar at a time, we stoked student’s passions with scholarship grants.

Lions Club Garage Sales — 1980sLion George Nowadnick saw a need to honor our academic standouts and said let’s start a tradition. And it became our annual Top Scholar Banquet.

Lions Club Garage Sales — 1980s

Lion George Nowadnick saw a need to honor our academic standouts and said let’s start a tradition. And it became our annual Top Scholar Banquet.

We Help Kids

Helping the Snohomish Boys & Girls Club make ends meet — 2020Lion Hank saw the coming crisis and said we need to create a Coronavirus Relief Fund to help key Snohomish institutions make it through the coming hard times.

Helping the Snohomish Boys & Girls Club make ends meet — 2020

Lion Hank saw the coming crisis and said we need to create a Coronavirus Relief Fund to help key Snohomish institutions make it through the coming hard times.

We Inspire Each Other

Snohomish Lions in Display Case at Snohomish Library.png

Building awareness of our service at the Library - 2013

Wearing the Vest

08-14-19 Community Garden service project (4) (1).jpg

Twilight at the community garden - 2017

We wear “the Vest” in service … if at first it’s expected, in due course it becomes part of who you are when serving our community.


We Inspire Dreams

Lions Ron & Cindy led a fundraiser raffle to help start an animation studio for Riverview Elementary kids - 2018

Lions Ron & Cindy led a fundraiser raffle to help start an animation studio for Riverview Elementary kids - 2018

Practicing for the “WonderGrove Wizard of Oz” world premiere - kids inspired by great teachers and visionary opportunity brought to them by the Snohomish Lions.

The Riverview Elementary animation studio inspired teacher Melissa Dilling to start an animation studio at Eisenhower Middle School - she made this for us.

We Rebuild

Snohomish Lions Club received a Lions Club International Foundation grant to help Snohomish dig out from the historic 1990 flood.

Snohomish Lions Club received a Lions Club International Foundation grant to help Snohomish dig out from the historic 1990 flood.

We Build

Roofing the “first community kitchen shelter” at Hill Park- 1950sSnohomish Lions Club helped make a new park at Blackman’s Lake.

Roofing the “first community kitchen shelter” at Hill Park- 1950s

Snohomish Lions Club helped make a new park at Blackman’s Lake.

We Fundraise

Lions Weenie Wagon - version 1 — 1990sLion Arne said we need to do more service so we created our first “Weenie Wagon”.

Lions Weenie Wagon - version 1 — 1990s

Lion Arne said we need to do more service so we created our first “Weenie Wagon”.

We Honor

Raising the Flags on 1st Street — 2009Lion Dean said the city needs our help to keep the flags flying on 1st Street.

Raising the Flags on 1st Street — 2009

Lion Dean said the city needs our help to keep the flags flying on 1st Street.

We Fundraise

Lions Golf Team Defeats Monroe — 1931Lion George Moore saw families struggling and said we need to do something. And we started the Lions Golf Tournament  to raise funds in hard times - it continued well into the 1950s.

Lions Golf Team Defeats Monroe — 1931

Lion George Moore saw families struggling and said we need to do something. And we started the Lions Golf Tournament to raise funds in hard times - it continued well into the 1950s.

We Delight

Lions Give Children Hope and Joy — Christmas 1931

Lions Give Children Hope and Joy — Christmas 1931